Sunday, October 20, 2013

Langauge Update from Maura

Updates from Maura:

A few more things to think about that I forgot to mention before:

1.  If you have not been to our meetings in a while and are scared to come because you have not been coming, please feel free to ignore that fear and join us!  :)  We are all learning together.  We are kind of starting over this fall, so now is a great time to come. 
2.  This week we will meet on Wednesday, Oct 23rd from 6:30 - 8pm in De Soto.  If you are going to the Breast Cancer walk/run at Haskell, please feel free to come on over afterwards, even if you are late.  I run on NDN time anyway :)  Please contact me directly for directions to the location.  Due to the fact our group is so small, we reserve the right to change the day in accordance with the folks who are able to attend. I will post weekly updates about the schedule.

3.  Because some people have mentioned daytimes being more convenient, I am reconsidering doing a daytime session at KUMC.  Please post, email or text your day and time preferences if this works for you.  

4.  Please see the Lessons Materials page so you can follow along with us if you are unable to attend.

Howa, I think that is all folks!



Thursday, October 17, 2013

Language Meeting Update

From Maura:

The fall is a time of change and new beginnings.  For us as Cherokee people it has been a time of renewal since antiquity and the season during which our traditional new year begins.  In this spirit we will begin our Cherokee Language Group meetings.  We will be having a few changes:

1.  In order to avoid conflicting with the Lawrence Cherokee Community meetings, we will be meeting on Thursdays from 6:30pm to 7:45pm in De Soto, Kansas.  Due to the current space limitations, I will not publicly announce the location, but request that you contact me directly via email: or phone:  919.951.9758 for directions.  This way I can get an accurate head count.  If it looks like we will have too many people for the space to accommodate, I can reserve another meeting place.   We will try to meet weekly, but the schedule is flexible.  Changes can be decided by the group and updates will be sent out via the email list.

2.  We will try incorporating a new resource:  Western Carolina University (WCU)  Cherokee 101 Course:

It is very user friendly and powerpoint presentations, mp3 listening files and handouts are all included in a central place. We will begin with the first lesson (see dates and/or number order) and spend 2 class meetings on each lesson.  One week will be spent doing the lesson.  Homework will be issued along with a practice handout.  The following week will be spent reviewing the homework and lesson.  We will then start another lesson the following week.  Though the course highlights the Kituwa or NC Qualla Boundary dialect, the teacher is a Cherokee from Oklahoma and the lessons offer the OK dialect as well with the appropriate pronunciation.

3.  We will talk about the possibility of hiring a Cherokee language tutor (a fluent speaker from Oklahoma who has translated for the Cherokee Nation and currently works in the cultural outreach department) to work with us via skype on some sort of regular basis. Depending on group needs, we can discuss whether or not this should be on Thursday or another night.

I hope that these changes and arrangements are agreeable to those in the group.  I realize that no schedule will be able to accommodate everyone, but please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or complaints and we will see what can be done.    

May your fall begin wonderfully well and I hope to see you soon.  

Howa nigadawu,

Kila dodadagohvi!  Itsadagastasdesti,


Friday, October 11, 2013


KC Cherokee Community:
We are trying to coordinate a new event with the Cherokee Nation – so the picnic on October 12th has been cancelled.
On October 26th, there will be  a showing of the movie “The Cherokee Word for Water” in Lawrence.   More information to follow.
Sorry for the late notice.  We forgot that we had announced the picnic earlier this year.
Thanks, Tom. 
Tom Brandom
KC Cherokee Community

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Language Class Meeting Update from Maura

Tsalagi Language Group!!! :)

Osiyo Nigadawu!  I hope your summers have been well.  In light of the new fall and new start it seems like a good time to start up our language groups.   See below for the time and place for our first two meetings of this new year.  Please email, or call me 919.951.9758 for exact instructions in regards to place. 

We will talk about future meetings in person and the results will be posted once finalized:

Thursday October 10th:  6:30pm- 7:45pm in De Soto, Kansas

Thursday October 17th:  6:30pm - 7:45pm in De Soto, Kansas
