Sunday, November 3, 2013

Cherokee Phoenix

Citizens....sign up for your free Cherokee Nation paper:

Diplomatic Ball March 1, 2014

Next Kansas City Cherokee Community Meeting December 4, 2013

Our next KCCC Board Meeting will be Dec 4 at 5:30pm at the North Kansas City library. Everyone is welcome to attend! If you have something to share....please let us know so we can put it on our agenda! Thanks!

Mark the date! June 21, 2014

Mark the date! June 21, 2014 will be an event date for the Kansas City Cherokee Community that will include a visit from the Tribal Chief! More info to come in the months ahead!

Cherokee History Class in 2014

The Kansas City Cherokee Community is looking to host a Cherokee History Class in 2014. More info coming soon!

"Cherokee Word for Water"

The Kansas City Cherokee Community will be hosting a showing of the movie "Cherokee Word for Water" in the Spring of 2014! Keep checking back as we will have more details to announce in the near future!

Attention Cherokee Artisans and Regalia creators!

Attention Cherokee Artisans and Regalia creators!

We would like to hear from you so that we can promote you!

Post a response and let us know who you are, what you do, and how people can contact you!...


KCCC Brochure

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Langauge Update from Maura

Updates from Maura:

A few more things to think about that I forgot to mention before:

1.  If you have not been to our meetings in a while and are scared to come because you have not been coming, please feel free to ignore that fear and join us!  :)  We are all learning together.  We are kind of starting over this fall, so now is a great time to come. 
2.  This week we will meet on Wednesday, Oct 23rd from 6:30 - 8pm in De Soto.  If you are going to the Breast Cancer walk/run at Haskell, please feel free to come on over afterwards, even if you are late.  I run on NDN time anyway :)  Please contact me directly for directions to the location.  Due to the fact our group is so small, we reserve the right to change the day in accordance with the folks who are able to attend. I will post weekly updates about the schedule.

3.  Because some people have mentioned daytimes being more convenient, I am reconsidering doing a daytime session at KUMC.  Please post, email or text your day and time preferences if this works for you.  

4.  Please see the Lessons Materials page so you can follow along with us if you are unable to attend.

Howa, I think that is all folks!



Thursday, October 17, 2013

Language Meeting Update

From Maura:

The fall is a time of change and new beginnings.  For us as Cherokee people it has been a time of renewal since antiquity and the season during which our traditional new year begins.  In this spirit we will begin our Cherokee Language Group meetings.  We will be having a few changes:

1.  In order to avoid conflicting with the Lawrence Cherokee Community meetings, we will be meeting on Thursdays from 6:30pm to 7:45pm in De Soto, Kansas.  Due to the current space limitations, I will not publicly announce the location, but request that you contact me directly via email: or phone:  919.951.9758 for directions.  This way I can get an accurate head count.  If it looks like we will have too many people for the space to accommodate, I can reserve another meeting place.   We will try to meet weekly, but the schedule is flexible.  Changes can be decided by the group and updates will be sent out via the email list.

2.  We will try incorporating a new resource:  Western Carolina University (WCU)  Cherokee 101 Course:

It is very user friendly and powerpoint presentations, mp3 listening files and handouts are all included in a central place. We will begin with the first lesson (see dates and/or number order) and spend 2 class meetings on each lesson.  One week will be spent doing the lesson.  Homework will be issued along with a practice handout.  The following week will be spent reviewing the homework and lesson.  We will then start another lesson the following week.  Though the course highlights the Kituwa or NC Qualla Boundary dialect, the teacher is a Cherokee from Oklahoma and the lessons offer the OK dialect as well with the appropriate pronunciation.

3.  We will talk about the possibility of hiring a Cherokee language tutor (a fluent speaker from Oklahoma who has translated for the Cherokee Nation and currently works in the cultural outreach department) to work with us via skype on some sort of regular basis. Depending on group needs, we can discuss whether or not this should be on Thursday or another night.

I hope that these changes and arrangements are agreeable to those in the group.  I realize that no schedule will be able to accommodate everyone, but please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or complaints and we will see what can be done.    

May your fall begin wonderfully well and I hope to see you soon.  

Howa nigadawu,

Kila dodadagohvi!  Itsadagastasdesti,


Friday, October 11, 2013


KC Cherokee Community:
We are trying to coordinate a new event with the Cherokee Nation – so the picnic on October 12th has been cancelled.
On October 26th, there will be  a showing of the movie “The Cherokee Word for Water” in Lawrence.   More information to follow.
Sorry for the late notice.  We forgot that we had announced the picnic earlier this year.
Thanks, Tom. 
Tom Brandom
KC Cherokee Community

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Language Class Meeting Update from Maura

Tsalagi Language Group!!! :)

Osiyo Nigadawu!  I hope your summers have been well.  In light of the new fall and new start it seems like a good time to start up our language groups.   See below for the time and place for our first two meetings of this new year.  Please email, or call me 919.951.9758 for exact instructions in regards to place. 

We will talk about future meetings in person and the results will be posted once finalized:

Thursday October 10th:  6:30pm- 7:45pm in De Soto, Kansas

Thursday October 17th:  6:30pm - 7:45pm in De Soto, Kansas


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Informative Meeting regarding Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

In light of the pending Baby Veronica case, the Kansas City Indian Center will be presenting Attorney Russ Brien who will give an informative presentation about the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and how it affects the Native community today.  Attn. Brian will present following the potluck dinner at the October Culture Night (Wednesday, October 2 from 6pm-9pm).  Looking forward to seeing you there!

Maura Michelle Garcia

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cherokee Language Class Update

Osiyo nigadawu!

I hope all of y'alls summers have been good.  I just wanted to let you all know what is going on.  I also had a few questions.

1.  At present I have no update from the Lawrence group about upcoming meetings.

2.  I approached Mr. Girty about teaching a class, but unfortunately his schedule will not allow :(

3.  The Cherokee Nation free online classes are about to begin. It might be nice if a group of us signed up.  It is a good way to have access to a fluent teacher who can answer specific questions.

4.  I would be able to meet up either earlier in the day at KU Medical Center in KCK on Monday, Wed or Friday ( 3pm to 4pm) or in the evening 7pm-8ish on Wednesdays
or Thursdays in De Soto, KS.
5.  Please contact me directly if you are interested in meeting up and if you are available at any of those times/places.  If you are interested but have other availability please also let me know that.

6.  If you know of any fluent speakers who would like to teach or even be a onetime guest "sharer of language" :) please let me know.


Maura (Naisa)

PS- Scott please post this on the blog

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Cherokee Community Presentation

Gary Hammer and Rob Haney recently visited a local elementary school and talked about the Cherokee Community past and present!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Language Class Update

Update from Chris about Cherokee Language Classes:


Maura is traveling and away from her computer for a few days, so she asked me to give you an update regarding upcoming Tsalagi languages classes. 

I hope I can relay the her message correctly:

Due to scheduling conflicts our Tsalagi language classes will not be held at KU Medical Center. Maura is gathering some information 

from our Lawrence Tsalagi group and as soon as she hears back from them she will be able to schedule our Tsalagi language classes for fall. 



Ethnic Festival Workers

Note from Tom - Workers still needed at Ethnic Festival......

Hi Tom,

We are still looking for volunteers to help with the American Indian Food Booth at the Ethnic Festival, especially on Saturday. If you know anyone that can help out, please have them call Delfina at 816-421-7608 or email Thanks.

Best regards,

Gaylene Crouser
Executive Director

Kansas City Indian Center


Ethnic Festival Workers Needed!

It's time to start working on the Festival Site at Swope Park.

The KC Indian Center will receive credit for all hours worked
on the festival grounds -- to offset the cost of their booths.

August 5,6,7,8,9 - Festival Site work - Any time ***
August 10 - Saturday Screen set up - 8:00 AM - Put up our booth
                     and help with other booths ***
August 12,13,14,15 - Festival Site Work - Any time ***

     August 16,17,18 - Ethnic Festival - Volunteers needed to work
     in the Indian Center booths.  Please contact Contact Delfina Segura
     at the Indian Center (816-421-7608) to volunteer.

August 18 - Festival Tear down - 6:00 PM - Take down our booth and
                     help take down other booths
August 19 - Festival Site Cleanup - 8:00 AM ***

     *** Upon arrival: Check in with Dick Horvatic (816-810-7581)
                           or Jim Wilson (816-213-8761) for instructions.

Save the Date:  Saturday, March 1, 2014
                            Ethnic Enrichment Ball
                            Hosted by American Indians
                            Sheraton Hotel

Thanks, Tom.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ethnic Festival Workers Needed!

From Tom:

Ethnic Festival Workers Needed!

It's time to start working on the Festival Site at Swope Park.

The KC Indian Center will receive credit for all hours worked
on the festival grounds -- to offset the cost of their booths.

August 5,6,7,8,9 - Festival Site work - Any time ***
August 10 - Saturday Screen set up - 8:00 AM - Put up our booth
                     and help with other booths ***
August 12,13,14,15 - Festival Site Work - Any time ***

     August 16,17,18 - Ethnic Festival - Volunteers needed to work
     in the Indian Center booths.  Please contact Contact Delfina Segura
     at the Indian Center (816-421-7608) to volunteer.

August 18 - Festival Tear down - 6:00 PM - Take down our booth and
                     help take down other booths
August 19 - Festival Site Cleanup - 8:00 AM ***

     *** Upon arrival: Check in with Dick Horvatic (816-810-7581)
                           or Jim Wilson (816-213-8761) for instructions.

Save the Date:  Saturday, March 1, 2014
                            Ethnic Enrichment Ball
                            Hosted by American Indians
                            Sheraton Hotel

Thanks, Tom.

Friday, August 2, 2013

August 6th Cherokee Language Class - From Maura Garcia

Osiyo nigadawu!

Dohitsu?  I hope the gogi (summer) has been treating you well.  I have recently arrived from several weeks in Tsalagi Uweti (NC) and am now back in Kansas.  As many of you all know, there is a new Cherokee community member group in Lawrence.  They also meet on taline iga (Tuesday).  Due to gogi (summer) and a desire to make sure that meetings do not overlap, I will just set the following meeting time and day until further notice:

Taline iga, Galoni sudaline (Tuesday, August 6th) at 6pm

We will meet at KU Medical center.  If you are able to come please email me and I will give you the location details.

Kila dodadagohvi! 



Maura Garcia

Monday, July 22, 2013

Board Meeting July 24, 2013

Friendly reminder of our next KCCC Board Meeting:

KC Cherokee Board Meeting Agenda


Wed. July 24, 2013


5:30pm North Kansas City Library

7:00pm                      Adjourn                                 


Moses Brings Plenty

Thanks to Bobbie for this link:

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Press Release: KC Fringe Festival

Subj: Press Release: KC fringe Festival 2013

Press Release: KC fringe Festival

Prairie Moon by Brings Plenty at City Stage - Union Station
Moses Brings Plenty and his Brings Plenty Band
these following dates and times.
Mo and Brings Plenty Band are known around the world....
MO BRINGS PLENTY Actor - Model - Musician - Spokesman - Lakota
TerryLee is a World Class American Indian Flute Award Winner for 2013 for Best Easy Listening Fawn Recording Artist and in the Finals in the Canada Peoples Choice Music Awards for Best Flute CD. 
On Stage July 23rd at 6 P.M. - TerryLee WHETSTONe opening song
On Stage July 24th at 6 P.M. - TerryLee WHETSTONe opening song
On Stage July 25th, at 9 P.M. - TerryLee WHETSTONe opening song
Come join us for an experience you will never forget
The music will spiritually move you as we share our culture with you through music and performances.
"Prairie Moon"
Brings Plenty
Description: Native contemporary music, dance and story telling.

Length: 60 minutes
Genre: Music
Stumble Type: Real Talk 
Audience: All Ages
Content Warnings: 
Ticket Price: $10

Tue 7/23 6:00 pmBuy Tickets
Wed 7/24 6:00 pmBuy Tickets
Thu 7/25 9:00 pmBuy Tickets
Fri 7/26 6:00 pmBuy Tickets
City Stage - Union Station
30 W. Pershing Rd
Indie Music Channel Awards - World Class Music Award 2013 Winner 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Cherokee Journey Web Site


An interesting link/video my friend Dr. Cynthia sent to me:

Shared publicly  -  Yesterday 12:18 PM
Today the nonprofit Wild South launches Cherokee Journey: an interactive website that guides the public on a journey through the history and culture of the Cherokee people in +Google Earth.

Get started on your journey in this intro video (, then continue by exploring more tours on the Cherokee Journey website (

This project was funded by a Google Earth Outreach Developer Grant (

Monday, July 8, 2013

Presentations at Chief's Annual Picnic

Dick Boultinghouse (and Roland Humphrey , unable to attend) were honored veterans.

Tom Brandom and Linda Day were honored as outstanding male and female elders in the community.
And Maura Garcia for outstanding volunteer and young woman in the community.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Video Coverage from Chief's Annual Picnic: June 30, 2013

Video coverage (with photo slide show) from the Chief's Annual Picnic on June 30, 2013. Note: Video is over 2 hours playback time may vary with your internet connection.


Video from the KC Cherokee Meeting on June 30, 2013

Some video from Scott from the Kansas City Cherokee Community Picnic on June 30, 2013


Cherokee National Holiday Events

Another good link. Some events going on during Cherokee National Holiday:

Another Link: Planning your trip to the Cherokee National Holiday

Another good site to help you plan your trip to the Cherokee National Holiday!

KCCC Membership Cards now available! More information coming soon!

KCCC Membership Cards now available! More information coming soon!

Online Shirt Orders: More info coming soon.......

Online Shirt Orders: More info coming soon.......

Monday, July 1, 2013

Fox 4 News Photos

Thanks to Nikki for sending in some photos that Robb took at our Fox 4 Morning News visit on Sunday Morning June 30, 2013

Photos from Picnic on June 30, 2013

Here are some photos I took (Scott) at the picnic.

Note: hundreds of photos are on the page give the page some time to load!