Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Informative Meeting regarding Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

In light of the pending Baby Veronica case, the Kansas City Indian Center will be presenting Attorney Russ Brien who will give an informative presentation about the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and how it affects the Native community today.  Attn. Brian will present following the potluck dinner at the October Culture Night (Wednesday, October 2 from 6pm-9pm).  Looking forward to seeing you there!

Maura Michelle Garcia

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cherokee Language Class Update

Osiyo nigadawu!

I hope all of y'alls summers have been good.  I just wanted to let you all know what is going on.  I also had a few questions.

1.  At present I have no update from the Lawrence group about upcoming meetings.

2.  I approached Mr. Girty about teaching a class, but unfortunately his schedule will not allow :(

3.  The Cherokee Nation free online classes are about to begin. It might be nice if a group of us signed up.  It is a good way to have access to a fluent teacher who can answer specific questions.

4.  I would be able to meet up either earlier in the day at KU Medical Center in KCK on Monday, Wed or Friday ( 3pm to 4pm) or in the evening 7pm-8ish on Wednesdays
or Thursdays in De Soto, KS.
5.  Please contact me directly if you are interested in meeting up and if you are available at any of those times/places.  If you are interested but have other availability please also let me know that.

6.  If you know of any fluent speakers who would like to teach or even be a onetime guest "sharer of language" :) please let me know.


Maura (Naisa)

PS- Scott please post this on the blog